Swedish Massage
Swedish Massage focuses on a flowing rhythm of longer, slower, and superficial strokes during the session. Swedish massage traditionally soothes the body & mind as a whole. This is a great modality for stressed out professionals, loved ones, travelers, employees, and students. Take some time for yourself with a relaxing treatment to refresh mind, body, & spirit.
An excellent choice for anyone!
Sports Massage
Are you an athlete, cross-fitter, marathon runner, or weekend warrior looking for peak performance? Injured? Sports Massage will help restore range of motion, increase blood flow, and shorten healing time. Sports Massage is one of the most focused type of massage, healing targeted tissues with lots of movement, traction, and stretching throughout the session.
Prenatal / Pregnancy Massage
Prenatal Massage therapy is a wonderful solution to all of the aches, pains, & discomforts expecting mothers experience throughout their pregnancy. Expect immediate relief from muscles aches and joint swelling. Diminish stress and lower anxiety during the session and throughout the day. Additional benefits include shortened labor times, re-balancing posture, and may help with mother-infant bonding!
These special sessions take place almost entirely in the side-lying position with a variety of techniques addressing problem areas.